We have a great team of people at St. George's working together in the life of the church. This includes the following:
The Vicar - Revd. Canon Mandy Carr
Mandy is our part-time vicar
Email: mandy@carrfamilyonline.co.uk
Tel: 01732 463291
Curate - Revd. Hannah Glover
Email: hannahrglover@hotmail.com
Tel: 07901 502818
Churchwarden - Lisa Martin
Email: lisa@hardwarecentre.co.uk
Tel: 01732 463306
Churchwarden - Patrick Carr
Email: patrick@carrfamilyonline.co.uk
Tel: 01732 463291
Church Administrator - Rebecca Johnson
Email: stgeorgesbecca10@hotmail.com
Tel: 01732 463464 or 07931 526871
Director of Music and Organist - Prof. Julia Downing
Email: julia.downing792@btinternet.com
Tel: 07751 879310
Parish Safeguarding Officer - Jackie Evans
Email: safeguarding@stgeorgesweald.co.uk
Tel: 07792 589776
Treasurer - Trevor Griffiths
Email: sgc.ttg@gmail.com
Lisa Martin Michael Richardson Ros Durdant-Hollamby
Pastoral Assistant
Shirley Hayes
Members of the PCC are: Rev Canon Mandy Carr, Rev Hannah Glover, Lisa Martin, Rebecca Johnson, Julia Downing, Elizabeth Miller, Paul Goozee, Shirley Hayes, Ros Durdant-Hollamby, Michael Richardson, Nikky Goozee, Phil Johnson, Nick Broadbent, Matthew Carr, Peter Curtis and Trevor Griffiths.
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